Technology Law

Media Resources for CAPSTONE

June 3, 2022

Media Resources for CAPSTONE Full report from NASA: Read More

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CubeSat Set to Demonstrate NASA’s Fastest Laser Link from Space

May 24, 2022

NASA’s TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) payload will showcase the high-data-rate capabilities of laser communications from a CubeSat in low-Earth orbit. At 200 gigabits per second (Gbps), TBIRD will downlink data at the highest optical rate ever achieved by NASA. Full report from NASA: Read More

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Advanced Air Mobility Aims to Shorten Travel Time

May 24, 2022

In cities like Los Angeles or Atlanta, traffic often determines how early we wake up to travel to work, what time we plan to meet friends for dinner, or how long it will take to get to the airport. Full report from NASA: Read More

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Science of Sound: NASA Examines Advanced Air Mobility Noise

May 24, 2022

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) will provide new air transportation options, but in order for these future-generation aircraft to share our skies, they must be quiet. NASA is working toward that goal, developing design tools manufacturers can use to reduce noise impacts. Full report from NASA: Read More

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A Lunar Orbit That’s Just Right for the International Gateway

May 24, 2022

A Lunar Orbit That’s Just Right for the International Gateway Full report from NASA: Read More

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New Name, Same Great Supersonic Mission

May 24, 2022

Quesst is what NASA is calling its mission to enable supersonic air travel over land. This new moniker – complete with an extra “s” to represent “supersonic” – draws its inspiration from NASA’s long legacy of supersonic flight research. Full report from NASA: Read More

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From Liftoff to Landing, NASA Ames Works to Support Commercial Crew

May 24, 2022

Engineers and scientists at NASA know about getting humans to space and home again safely. Full report from NASA: Read More

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CAPSTONE Uses Gravity on Unusual, Efficient Route to the Moon

May 24, 2022

A microwave oven-sized CubeSat dubbed CAPSTONE – short for the Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment – will blaze an unusual yet efficient deep space route to the Moon. Full report from NASA: Read More

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