The morning read for Tuesday, May 17
May 17, 2022
Each weekday, we select a short list of news articles, commentary, and other noteworthy links related to the Supreme Court. To suggest a piece for us to consider, email us at roundup@scotusblog.com.
Here’s the Tuesday morning read:
Dividing on Ideological Lines and Breaking Little New Ground in FEC v. Cruz, Supreme Court Strikes Down Another Part of McCain-Feingold law (Rick Hasen, Election Law Blog)
Supreme Court Sides with US in Immigration Dispute Over Review (Kimberly Strawbridge Robinson, Bloomberg Law)
Ketanji Brown Jackson on being a ‘first’ and why she loves ‘Survivor’ (Roxanne Roberts, The Washington Post)
The day could be approaching when Supreme Court rulings are openly defied (Editorial, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
I defend the First Amendment, but don’t protest outside the Supreme Court justices’ homes (Greta Van Susteren, USA Today)
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